Get Involved

Become a volunteer Support us Donate Become a member

If you would like to get involved with Viewfield Garden Collective, there are a number of ways you can support us. Please read below or contact us by filling in this form.

Become a member

A member of the organisation can attend our AGM and vote on important matters like appointment of Trustees. To become a member, just get in touch with us through the GET INVOLVED form.

Become a volunteer

A volunteer is someone that would like to give their free time to support the organisation. This could be by helping us to look after the garden, by becoming a Trustee or offering whatever skills might be useful to the Collective.

To participate just get in touch with us through the GET INVOLVED form.

Improve your Wellbeing

You can volunteer and take up our garden therapy services. This might be because you experience mental health difficulty, social isolation or some other reason entirely.

To participate just get in touch with us through the GET INVOLVED form.

Buy our produce

You can buy our produce at the sales shed, in the garden. Pop along during the daytime in the harvest season and see what is available. Check our News to find out what and when.

Follow us on Social Media

You can find us on 
Facebook @viewfieldgardencollective
Instagram @viewfieldgardencollective
And Twitter @viewfieldgarden
or simply follow the links on the top or bottom of this website.

Sign up to our digital newsletter and other updates

Be the first to hear the news and learn more about our activities, join the Virtual Garden Project by signing up to the newsletter below.

Spread the word!

Please tell your friends, family, and colleagues about us. If you like social media, please use #viewfieldgardencollective and #growplantsgrowpeople

Get in touch and get involved!